Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Discover How Lavish Perfumes Originated and Buy from Only the Best

Every day people get up in the morning, finish the morning rituals, get ready for work, and before they leave their house, they check themselves, their clothes, and whether they smell good or not. We think you would agree with us because we know that right now while reading this article, you are thinking of putting on a few spritzes of your favourite non alcohol perfume. But wait a minute! Have you ever thought about the origin story of the perfume you are holding? Do you know when and where the tradition of putting on perfumes started?

Luxury Perfume For Men

Why don’t you take a moment and let us enlighten you about the history of this mesmerizing substance? Firstly, you can start by thanking the Egyptians for giving you this magnificent substance that leaves you smelling heavenly. In ancient Egypt, people used incense sticks while offering prayers and during religious ceremonies. When the priests relinquished their right of using incense sticks for booming trade, Egypt procured various natural essential oils and resin, and started creating solid perfumes that allowed common people to feel delightful.

The Egyptians are credited to creating solid perfumes; and the Greeks are credited to make it more mainstream by making it a part of birthdays, weddings, and other such ceremonies. This way various exquisite perfumes became an essential part of daily beauty and body care. Not just Egyptians and Greeks but Romans, Chinese, Arabs, Japanese cultures also had their form of exotic perfumes. This product was made a luxury by the French with several popular brands in the market. And if you are looking to own the same luxury in your wardrobe as part of daily beauty and body care, visit HouseofEM5.

HouseofEM5 is a premium online store that provides a wide range of luxury perfume for men and women. Keeping the legacy of ancient cultures alive, the store provides non-alcohol perfumes made of purest and natural ingredients. The store is trying to bring back the Egyptian way of using perfume in the form of solid and roll-on perfumes. HouseofEM5 is also taking into consideration the French and Italian luxury by offering perfumes that are inspired by popular French and Italian brands such as Chanel, Giorgio Armani, and more. Upgrade your perfume with luxurious solid perfumes from HouseofEM5.

About HouseofEM5:

HouseofEM5 is a leading online perfume store that proffers an array of luxury perfume for women and men.

For more information, visit Houseofem5.com

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